Registered charity in England and Wales No1175808
Welcome to Ebotown Community Nursery School

Registered charity in England and Wales No1175808
In January 2014, Dave and Paula Howells visited The Gambia with a mission to help others less fortunate. They found a tiny school in a very poor community called Ebo Town. Here 105 children were being educated in a small 9.5m x 5.5m room with mud floors. It had neither windows nor doors, a broken blackboard and gaps in the roof. On return to UK they began to fundraise to improve the school building and help provide nursery school education. On return from the villiage in January 2014, we started to fundraise with an aim to give all 105 children a FREE education. We sent finances across to have the building painted inside and out, fix the holes in the roof, cement the walls, make proper wooden tables and benches for the children. By the time we went back in December 2014, the small classroom was revamped, but the man we supported decided to cram more children into the room. We found 170 - 200 children in this small room. There was only 1 outside toilet, shared by several families in the compound. No outdoor play area, they used the road outside the compound to run and stretch legs. Things had to change. This was the start of Ebo Town Community Nursery School.
Every child deserves a chance in life. Can you help our nursery school in Gambia.
We need your help. Would you like to join our sponsorship programme.
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Or feel free to call Paula Howells, Founder and Chairlady to discuss any help and support you may be able to offer.
Ebo Town, Serrekunda, Banjul, Gambia
01743 467426 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK or 07738022397
Open today | 09:00 – 16:00 |
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